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Showing posts from August, 2019

Ethical Hacking Tech- Basic Concepts

Brute force An Attacker Can Perform The Hacking Technic Until Broke The Authentications. Like Combinations of username and password For Enter The Site Or Software until  Find The Username and Password. In Modern Days It Can Strictly Prohibited But Some Sites Still Run With That Bugs. SQL Injection In This Bug May Be Found By Programmer Careless Coding.In The Hacking Technic Must Performed By SQL Query. An Attacker Can Attack The Sites For SQL Queries And Retrieve Required Data From Database or Modify The Data Bases.  shop Xss(Cross Site Scripting) Now Popular Sites Are Affected By This Bug.Its Preformed By JavaScript Coding. An Attacker Modify The Client Side Programming It May Be Affect The Entire Web Site. Phishing It is Trick. An Attacker Can Be Develop The Front-End Application Look Like Original Web Page . It s a Clone Not Original. Some User Can Provide the Information on That Phishing Site. Hacker Can Using Them.  Key Logger Which is a Hidden Application on Your Co...

Classic Waterfall Model

This Proposed By R.W. Royce in 1970. it is sequential design process. downwards it is basic SDLC Model. divided the life cycle due to set of phases. Each Phases Must be completed before the next phases can begin.. output of one phases can be input of one phases. No Overlapping. Feasibility study Determine weather if would be financially & technically feasible. Requirement Understanding the exact Requirement of the custom. Requirement Gathering Requirement Specification Design To Transform The Requirement Specification in The SRS document into Structure. Coding Design is  Translated into Source Code. Integrated Testing all The Module Successfully have been successfully integrated the full working system in up timed. Alpha Testing - Performed By Development Team. BETA Testing  - Performed By Friendly Set Of customers. Acceptation   - The Customer Perform the accept testing to determine weather To accept the deliver Software (or) To Reject. Deploymen...

Inheritance is a future of oops(Object Oriented Programming)

Inheritance is a future of oops(Object Oriented Programming).it Used To Share The Properties of Class or a class drive from another one class is Called Inheritance. in Java Programming "extends" Keyword is used to inherit the class. Syntax: class A{ //member variables and function } class B extends class A { //member variables and function } example, class A{ void superclass() { System.out.println("super class"); } } class B extends class A { public static void main() { B b=new B(); b.superclass(); } } From The Above Java Programming Contains Two Classes Named As "A" and "B".class A contains a Member Method Named as "superclass()" and class B contains main method.then class B is Inherit(Extends) From class A.So We are call The method superclass from class B.

Class is a collection of similar objects. Which have common properties

Class is a collection of similar objects. Which have common properties. Syntax class class_name {        //member functions and variables. } How to create a objects for class class_name c=new class_name; We can access the member variable and member methods using dot operator. c.member_function(); Eg : class bike { void fun() { System.out.println("member method"); } public static void main(String[] args) { bike B=new bike();; } } output member method

Method is a block of code. Its used to divide the large programs into small pieces. It is reusable

Method is a block of code. Its used to divide the large programs into small pieces. It is reusable. Syntax class class-name { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("main method"); } public static void method () { System.out.println("method"); } } Uses of method 1.chunk programs. 2.reusable. 3.easy to debugging. Method overload Same method with different arguments is called method overload. class bike { void fun() { System.out.println("method with out parameter :"); } void fun(int a) { System.out.println("method with parameter : "+a); } public static void main(String[] args) { bike B=new bike();;; } } Output method with out parameter : method with parameter : 5

OSI Reference Model

1.Physical Layer Physical layer coordinates the require electronic components or functions to Transmit data between computer systems.              1.Physical character sticks               2.Bit Rate 2.Data Link Layer Data Link Layer Convert the Physical Binary Data Form Into Frames. A Combination of Bit Rate is Called Frame. 3.Network Layer It is Responsible For Source To Designation Delivery Of Pockets. Which Contains Logical Address To Identify The sender and Receiver. 4.Transport Layer Its Transport The Data Into Network. 5.Session Layer Its establish,maintain and synchronous between communicate systems. Its Manage The Transmission Data Time Between Two or More Systems. 6.Presentation Layer It is Convert Transport Data Into Application Data. Interface Between Transport Layer And Application Layer. 7.Application Layer 7 Th Layer Of OSI(Open System InterFace) model. Which Provide The Data To User Interface.

Network -Basic Networking Concepts

Autonomous Computers are Inter connected. (or) Connected Computers are used to interchange The data or communication is called Network. Network Software A Software Which is Used to Communicate or Transmit The between Multiple Systems. Network Protocols HTTP->Hyper Text Transmission Protocol FTP->File Transfer Protocol TCP->Transmission Protocol UDP VoP-> Voice Over Protocol SMTP->Simple Mail Transfer Protocol STP->Secure TRansfer Protocol

Structure C programming - Used to Store More Then One Type Of Data.

Structure is used to store more then one values in different data types. struct keyword is used to declare the structure. Syntax struct structure_name{ int id; char name[50]; float salary; }; main() { struct structure_name object_of_structure; } How To Access Structure Member Variable ? Create the object of that structure. And access  the values of structure variable using "."(dot operator). Example struct emp{ int id; char name[50]; float salary; }; main() { struct emp e; printf("Enter the employee details\n"); printf("Id :"); scanf(%d,&; printf("Name :"); scanf(%d,; printf("Salary :"); scanf(%f,&e.salary); printf("\nEmployee details"); printf("\n%d",; printf("\n%s",; printf("\n%f",e.salary); } Output Enter the employee details Id : 25 Name : mrc Salary : 25000 Employee details 25 mrc 25000 From the above programme we declare the id,name and salary variables insi...

if control statement - Basic Programming Concepts With psudo Code

if( )  is a control statement. it based on some condition. if the condition can true the block of statements can execute other wise skip the statements. syntax if([condition]) { //statement; } example1, #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() int num=1; { if(num==1) { printf("\n its true"); } } from the above program we can declare the variable named as num and assign the value as 1. then, check the value 1 equal value of num through if statement.the statement can, the block of statements can executed. example2, #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() int num=5; { if(num==1) { printf("\n its true"); } } suppose the value of num is 5.the block of if statement can skip to execution.

Functions-Basic Programming Concepts With psudo Code

Function  is a block of code or sub program used to divide the large programs into small parts.Mainly used for Debug Process. Use of functions used to reduce the lines of code easy to debug Reuse ability Syntax return_type function_name([argument1],[argument2]...) { //statement or block of code; } function_name([argument1],[argument2]...); Example, main() { fun(); } fun() { printf("\n function is called"); } Types Of Functions Function With Argument And Return Value Function Without Argument And Return Value Function With Argument And Without Return Value Function Without Argument And Return Value

do...while-Basic Programming Concepts With psudo Code

do...while( ) do...while is a looping statement. it used to execute the same task until reach the condition false. it is a exit checkup statement.which means conditions can check after loop execution. syntax do { //statements or block of code. } while([condition]) example, main() { int a=1; do { printf("\n %d",a); a++; } while(a<=10); }

Switch ... Case-Basic Programming Concepts With Sudo Code it is used to execute the particular block of the code based on choice. syntax switch([choice]) { case 1://statement1 or block of program; break; case 2://statement1 or block of program; break; case 3://statement1 or block of program; break; } example, main() { int a; a=3; switch(a) { case 1:printf("\n one");break; case 2:printf("\n two");break; case 3:printf("\n three");break; case 4:printf("\n four");break; default:printf("\n values is not equal to 1 to 4 numbers"); } } default default is a keyword used to execute the default block pf statements. which means if the switch case the value did not match any cases to execute the default statements. break break is a keyword used to exit control statements statements.

if....else-Basic Programming Concepts With psudo Code

if...else if...else is a statement. it based on some condition. if the condition can be true the block of if statements can execute other wise the block of else statements can executed. syntax if([condition]) { //statements or code; } else { //statement or code; } example, #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() int num=1; { if(num==1) { printf("\n its true"); } else { printf("\n its false"); } }

Variable- Basic Programming Concepts

Variables Variables are used to store the values. it is the represent the name of the logical address. Rules Of Variable Names user defined. variable name should start in letters. variable names are can't start with numbers. variable names also start in underscore _. syntax data_type variable_name; example, int one; from the above example,we can declare the variable named as 'one'; How to assign the values in variables? data_type variable_name=value_of_the_variable; example, int one=1; from the above example,we can assign the value 1 for the variable one;

Top Sites For Career - Guidness And Article

1. Linkedin millions of peoples connected there.connect to share knowledges,informations and job opportunities. 2. indeed is most popular for find the jobs and job seekers. its provide to share the job opportunity informations about required domain and places. 3. naukri is most popular for find the jobs and job seekers. its provide to share the job opportunity informations about required domain and places. 4 .careerealism is most popular for find the jobs and job seekers. its provide to share the job opportunity informations about required domain and places. 5. jop-hunt is used to hunt the jobs. there was lot of opportunities available about job seekers. 6. jobbait is most use full website for find the jobs and job seekers. its provide to share the job opportunity informations about required domain and places. 7. careercloud website is good to find the jobs for job seekers.there was lot of career opportunit...