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Classic Waterfall Model

This Proposed By R.W. Royce in 1970. it is sequential design process. downwards it is basic SDLC Model. divided the life cycle due to set of phases.
Each Phases Must be completed before the next phases can begin..
output of one phases can be input of one phases. No Overlapping.

Feasibility study

Determine weather if would be financially & technically feasible.
Requirement Understanding the exact Requirement of the custom.

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Requirement Specification


To Transform The Requirement Specification in The SRS document into Structure.


Design is  Translated into Source Code.

Integrated Testing

all The Module Successfully have been successfully integrated the full working system in up timed.

  1. Alpha Testing - Performed By Development Team.
  2. BETA Testing  - Performed By Friendly Set Of customers.
  3. Acceptation   - The Customer Perform the accept testing to determine weather To accept the deliver Software (or) To Reject.


Release The Software.


Maintain the released softwares.


  • Simple & Easy To Understand.Processed One Of The Time.
  • Work Well For Smaller Project.


  • No Feedback for batch.
  • Default To Change Request
  • No Overlapping Phasing.


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