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Structure C programming - Used to Store More Then One Type Of Data.

Structure is used to store more then one values in different data types. struct keyword is used to declare the structure.
struct structure_name{
int id;
char name[50];
float salary;
struct structure_name object_of_structure;
How To Access Structure Member Variable ?
Create the object of that structure. And access  the values of structure variable using "."(dot operator).
struct emp{
int id;
char name[50];
float salary;
struct emp e;
printf("Enter the employee details\n");
printf("Id :");
printf("Name :");
printf("Salary :");
printf("\nEmployee details");
Enter the employee details
Id : 25
Name : mrc
Salary : 25000
Employee details
From the above programme we declare the id,name and salary variables inside the structure emp.
Then access member variables of the structures through  "."(Dot operator) .


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