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The Power Of Nature - about Human Vs Rest Of The Natures

We are Known We are just live in Earth. The earth is a tiny piece of solar system.
Solar system is a tiny piece of galaxy and etc.. etc...
But, I would like to remember one think that's the world is not for only human. Its
Also for other dog,cat,ant,trees fishes and etc...

Human being are said humans are have better knowledge compared with other animals and souls.but, other animals and souls can't said iam best in the world.

They are live these life joys full. The reson of joyful and happiness is these not have knowledge like human.

The humans are said I am brilliant soul in the just piece of tempory living place is called earth or world or anything.

Yeh I accept Humans are have better knowledge compared with others. But, human didn't have more knowledge compared with nature. Because human or other souls are just a part of nature.

Nature can survive with out humans.but human can able to with out nature?........
Nature System can give more knowledges.

We are just learn the natural knowledge And implement new technologies.human can't construct.its already construct with nature.

We all are known the Fibonacci series pattern. That's found in all natural systems form trees,flowers,galaxy.....

Natural is very intelligence. Humans and other souls are just a small piece of examples for that intelligence.

And natural is also good. We are can get the resource from natural And also humans are only reson to these dead.

We are first try to adapt natural climate changes. But now climates can made by human....

So,enjoy with naturea.but, don't kill it.


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